Currently – September/October 2023

The last month and half has been interesting to say the least (do I keep saying that??). For those of you who don’t know, I have been searching for a new job. And let me just say, job hunting is not for the faint of heart! I left my last job on good terms, but finding another place has not been as easy as I was thinking/hoping it would be – at least for the administrative rolls I have been searching for. The job market in this area is pretty competitive and apparently quality workers are not very hard to find here (I’m sure this probably depends on the industry).

I will say, my application to interview ratio is pretty strong. The reasons I have not received a job has ranged from not having the direct experience they are looking for, being overqualified for a position (assuming they thought I would be bored and not stay long?), or it’s been completely circumstantial on their end. However, I still know God has His hand on this. Had I received one of the positions I was pretty confident I would be offered, I would have ended up calling out sick for an entire week and a half because our family got completely nailed with one of the worst, long-lasting colds ever.

With that said, I had another interview this week for another position, and while I’m not sure which way it will go right now, I do know God’s got a plan that I can fully trust in him for.

So anyway, with that update…here’s what else we’ve been up to!

Currently Watching

“Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” on Netflix

I really enjoyed this documentary! Not because I’m necessarily interested in living to 100, but I love learning about other people’s lifestyles, especially with older generations and I found this to be fascinating and well done. It was insightful and made me realize some of the generational traditions are not being passed down with the changing of our own modern day lifestyles, even in my own family. It has me thinking about the meals my grandma cooked that I haven’t made because it’s time consuming. However, in order to keep those traditions alive, it takes action and it’s up to us to keep it going. Definitely food for thought.

Currently Reading

I’m only 3 chapters from the end but I’ve been savoring this book. For me this isn’t a binge-read. As the storms in my life continue to keep coming I’m very appreciative of this book right now and so I will continue to slowly work my way to the end.

I haven’t made any progress from last month but working on picking it back up. As I’m rethinking some of my routines I know this book will be helpful!

Currently Making/Baking

These Easy Blueberry Muffins by Carrie from Eating on a Dime!

A couple months ago we somehow accidentally ordered 6 huge cartons of blueberries on our grocery order. I gave some to our neighbors but I also froze quite a few and I am so happy I did! These have been quick and easy to make and enjoyed by everyone in our family.

Current Favorite

Rest. The biggest blessing in the past month and a half is that for the first time in years I finally feel like I’m getting deep rest. I have thoroughly been enjoying being able to sit with my coffee and soak in my Bible and time in prayer. I’ve been able to catch up on house work and evaluate the systems/routines that are working and not working for us. I’ve been able to take care of my sick babies and myself without the worry of losing a job over it or wondering who I’m letting down because of it. I knew I had been burnt out…I just didn’t realize the extent of it.

I think the best way I can describe it, is that I feel like I’m a plant that is getting some much needed water and sunshine after surviving in less than ideal conditions. I’m very thankful for this time.


I know life is crazy for many of you and everyone is going through different things right now. Just know someone (me) is out there praying for you.

Much love,


Currently – August 2023 (Recap)

Between last minute preparations for back-to-school (wow, did that happen fast!) and the ending of my job that I’ve held for the past 11 and 1/2 years (good terms), the month slipped by far too quickly. This last month was a good mix of fun and stress. Job hunting = stressful. Going to the zoo, a carnival, and garage sale-ing = fun!

While we didn’t get to go on a big vacation I’m thankful we’ve been able to find some fun things to do this summer. The Oregon Zoo was definitely a big hit with the littles! Gryffin’s favorites were the crocodiles, eagles, and black bears. Londyn’s favorites were the duckies…and a statue, haha.

Here’s what else we’ve been up to…

Currently Watching


I’ve always been fascinated with extreme weather…as long as I’m watching it on tv and not in real life ;). Obviously this is one for when the little ones are preoccupied elsewhere.

Currently Reading

“Help, I’m Drowning” by Sally Clarkson

Still reading this and enjoying it. I am finally getting back into the habit of reading before bed instead of just scrolling through my phone, so I’m making good progress now.

Speaking of habits…I also ordered this book.

I am one to avoid popular books right away, but I usually end up breaking down and getting it after the hype has worn down a little. So far this book has been really interesting and insightful and I’m enjoying the read.

Currently Making/Baking


Every once in a while we will get some items in our grocery order by mistake. This is one of those items, and I have to say, I’m not at all disappointed by it! I’ve been making this on the weekends and it’s definitely a yummy treat. I was a little unsure at first since it listed Kale in the ingredients, but you honestly can’t tell with the texture or taste that it’s in there. So this was a hit.

Current Favorite

These summer sunsets! This was a breathtaking view. We had been having heavy smoke due to some wildfires nearby and it had just cleared out the evening I took this. It was literally a breath of fresh air! :)


I hope you all had a wonderful summer! Happy September and I hope you all have a wonderful fall!

Much love,


Currently – July 2023

It’s the end of the last day of July, but I made it! Life certainly looks different since the last time I made one of these posts! Gryffin joined flag football this year, so the past couple months were spent watching him play on Saturday mornings, then we would grab a late breakfast/early lunch and hit up garage sales around our area just to be out and about for a bit longer. Flag football is now over but we’ve still been enjoying the garage sales!

In addition, and on a random side note regarding work, I have also been job hunting. My remote position is coming to an end and it couldn’t be a more bitter sweet situation. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s ahead and seeing this as a new adventure, but it’s obviously stressful. I’m finding the job market to be a bit competitive, so it’s proving to be a little bit tricky. However, I KNOW God has a plan for me and He’s got his hand on this.

Anyway, with that bit of information, here’s what else we’ve been up to.

Currently Watching

“Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend” on Netflix.


Season 1, episode 2 is one my favorites! I don’t think I’ve really cared or rooted for someone so much on the show. I’ve only watched 3 episodes in the last month, but it’s been a nice break from COUNTLESS episodes of Bluey and Baby Shark.

Currently Reading

“Help, I’m Drowning” by Sally Clarkson

I have been slowly making my way through this book since last year…and I mean sloooowly – mostly because I’m so exhausted from having a little one. I have so appreciated this book and her perspective, insight, and brutal honesty.

Currently Making/Baking

Italian Pasta!

This is such a good summer meal as it’s perfect for those hot summer days that you don’t want to be over a stove for a long period of time. It’s cool, refreshing, and tasty!

All you do is boil the pasta, drain and rinse with cold water, and throw all the below ingredients together! You can also add or remove any ingredients you prefer. I don’t measure exactly, just however much feels right to you.

  • Tri-Colored Pasta (I use garden vegetable pasta)
  • Cubed Ham
  • Pepperoni
  • Salami
  • Pepper Jack Cheese (or whatever cheese you prefer)
  • Tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Pepperoncini
  • Italian Dressing of your choice (I love Olive Garden’s dressing the best)

Current Favorite

This amazing, cozy, comfortable $20 garage sale find! I still can’t get over this! I never go into garage sales with any sort of expectation, but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve thought about having a cute little reading chair for my office. What a fun surprise this was to see!


I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! I would love to know what you all are up to!

Much love,


Currently – August/September 2021

Oh for goodness sakes, this month has been intense! Obviously there is a lot going on in the world. There is also a lot going on in our personal life that is really hard right now too, not necessarily bad (at the moment), but we have definitely been praying A LOT the past couple weeks about something and waiting for answers. Vague. I know. I’m sorry. I will eventually be able to share in detail about exactly what is going on later, but for now, vague I will be.

I knew when I chose my “word of the year” to be “embrace” that it might be a challenge. I also went as far to say “embrace with joy”. Well, I can’t say I’m embracing more than I am bracing myself from unknown of things looming ahead.

I’ve been feeling a bit like this lately…

I know God has a plan and we just need to be patient. But waiting is so, so, so hard sometimes. I’m thankful we’re in good hands and that God can absolutely be trusted. I promise, I will spill the beans on everything going on eventually.

Anyway….here’s what we’ve been up to.

Currently Watching

“The Great British Bake Off” on Netflix!

We have been hooked on this! I haven’t been feeling too great lately and find myself on the couch more than I would like. But, I have my husband hooked now, so I have good company!

Currently Reading

The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles

I don’t typically buy books unless I know I’m going to love it, but I was in a book buying mood and it was my birthday, so I went ahead and splurged after hearing good things about this book. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far it’s good.

Currently Making/Baking

I haven’t made anything post worthy that I haven’t shared before, so unfortunately, I don’t have anything exciting to share in this department. I did buy some peaches to make peach cobbler, but I haven’t been feeling well enough to make it. I’m hoping the peaches don’t go bad before I get a chance!

I’ve also been playing with the idea of maybe once a month sharing a weekly meal plan and what we made for dinner during the week (I feel like I’ve mentioned this before?). I’ve been having a hard time posting with everything going on, but it’s definitely something I would like to do!

Current Favorite

We found a new favorite bakery! Mi Flavour

Lavender late` and a scone

I was introduced to this French bakery by my sister (who is from out of town oddly enough), and I loved it! Mikey and I have gone back a couple times so we can have a mini date here and there. It’s very modern and unique. We definitely recommend!


So there we have it! I plan to do a Summer Bucket List recap soon! I will admit, I’m not sure we accomplished even half of what was on our list, but we did manage to check a couple things off!

I hope you all had a wonderful Summer and are staying well! Here’s to a happy Fall!

Much love to you all,


Currently June/July 2021

Hello and happy July! I skipped last month’s currently post and just barely making July’s in time!

June was very eventful! My family, including my parents, sister, nieces and nephews came to visit and stayed with us at our place. There were 10 people in my house for 10 days! It was chaos at times, but we had such a great time!

We kept things pretty low key the first couple days, but then Tuesday came and we packed up and spent the day at Silverwood! Mikey and I went a couple years ago, but going with family was so much fun! Plus Gryffin is older now so he was able to enjoy it too!

I got to take him on his very first roller coaster ride! He loved it!

Excuse the no makeup look

And we stayed and played all day!

Goodbye Silverwood!

The rest of the time we enjoyed each other’s company with BBQ’s, water balloon fights, movies, and late evening chats out on our deck. It was hard to say goodbye at the end!

And now we’re in July!

4th of July we spent with friends for a couple hours after church and then spent a quiet evening watching fireworks. Ok, so they were actually illegal, but we definitely weren’t the ones lighting them off and they just so happened to be seen from our back deck, so we took full advantage and enjoyed the show anyway.

Since then we have been checking off items on our summer bucket list here and there and soaking in as much of the season as we can. Speaking of summer – this summer is a HOT one. We have been averaging high 90-100 degree days for weeks on end! I feel like we typically average in the 80’s range. The highest hit 115 (at least that’s what our car registered when driving). We are very thankful pools and splash pads are open this year!

Ok, so here’s what else we’ve been up to!

Currently Watching

Dr. Oakley Yukon Vet on Disney +!

My sister introduced me to this show. I wasn’t expecting to get so hooked on it, but here I am!-

Currently Reading

You Learn by Living by Eleanor Roosevelt

Ok, sooo I’m still listening to this on the audiobook. It’s a good read but not super exciting to me either, so it’s taking me longer to get through

The Little Book of Hyyge by Meik Wiking

I read a different book on hygge a couple years ago, but that one was difficult to get through. This one, however, I’m adoring! My favorite way to read this book is sitting on our deck, with the breeze gently rustling through the trees, and birds singing in the background. Pretty much the perfect setting for any book though. :)

Currently Making/Baking

Cherry Pie Bars! by Mom Spark

Finally! This has been on my Pinterest board for about 2 years and I just now tried it! They were pretty yummy and perfect topped with whipped cream.

Current Favorite

Our new Keurig!

Confession – I have been without a coffee maker for about 2-3 years. I would always get coffee when I got to work and at home I would just make instant coffee (I imagine some of you are cringing right now…am I right?).

Well, I needed help to start waking up earlier in the mornings and this was my solution. We high-tailed it to Walmart one late Sunday afternoon and picked this one up. Let me tell you…it worked. I can actually motivate myself to get out of bed in the morning now without hitting the snooze a million times.


I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summer! I would love to know what you all are up to!

Much love to you all,
